“…This pelagic rain is augmented by lime mud that is winnowed from the platform edge and by lime sand and carbonate rubble that are carried to the sea floor by sediment gravity flows. The resulting sedimentary deposit is made up of turbidite layers composed of rubble, sand, and silt with sharp bases and gradational tops intercalated with pelagic lime mud (Busby 1962, Rusnack and Nesteroff 1964, U.S. Navy Oceanographic Office 1967, Lynts and others 1973. Based on coring results, Rusnack and Nesteroff (1964) reported that 70 to 90 percent of the sediment in the southern TOTO cul-de-sac area was deposited by turbidity currents with a 500 to 10,000 year time span between individual turbidite events.…”