The title compound (10) wasprepared, along with the4-cyano isomer (11), by the direct irradiation of 5-cyanobenzocyclooctatetraene (9); the yields were 82% (Dlo = 0.0030) and 12% (@,, = 0.0004) respectively. Triene 10 was thermally and photochemically reactive. Heating solutions of 10 at 150°C for 1 h gave COT 9 quantitatively. On direct irradiation 10 forms 5-cyanobenzosernibullvalene (12; 5%, @ = 0.019), COT 9 (70%, @ = 0.56), and 1-cyanonaphthalene (14%, @ = 0.078). Sensitized irradiation of 10 gave 9 exclusively (92%, @ = 0.88). COT 9 was also produced by the direct irradiation of semibullvalene 12 (75%, @ = 0.13). Studies with deuterium labelled 10 suggest that the photoformation of COT 9 involves a simple electrocyclic opening of the cyclobutene ring of the triene. Additionally, the labelling results indicate that the formation of semibullvalene 12 from 10 derives from the operation of two reaction pathways, the major one of which appears to be a Zimmerman di-T-methane rearrangement. The mechanism proposed for the minor pathway to 12 has not been observed in other bicyclo A 150"C, des solutions de 10 se transforment en 9 en rendements quantitatifs. Par irradiation directe, 10 conduit au cyano-5 benzo semi-bullvaltne (12; 5%, @ = 0.019), a 9 (70%, @ = 0.56) et au cyano-1 naphtalkne (l4%, @ = 0.078). Par irradiation sensibiliste, 10 conduit a 9 uniquement (92%, @ = 0.88). Le compose 9 se forme aussi de la photolyse directe du semi-bullvaltne 12 (75%, @ = 0.13). Des ttudes de marquages au deuterium suggkrent que 9 se produit photochirniquement du tritne par un mtcanisme qui comporte l'ouverture electrocyclique de l'anneau du cyclobuttne de 10. De plus, des etudes de marquages dtmontrent qu'il y a deux mecanismes qui entrent en jeux dans la transformation 10-12. Le mkcanisme majeur derive d'une transposition di-T-mithane de Zimmerman. Un nouveau mtcanisme est propos6 pour la voie mineure qui fournit 12.