Sequence/structure relationships have been explored by site-directed mutagenesis using a structurally known adenylate kinase. In particular the effects of helix capping and nonpolar core expansion on thermodynamic stability have been analyzed. Six point mutations were produced and characterized by SDS/ PAGE, native PAGE, isoelectric focussing, electrophoretic titration, enzyme kinetics, and X-ray structure analysis. Heat-denaturation experiments yielded melting temperatures T,,, and melting enthalpy changes AH,. The heat capacity change AC, of the wild-type enzyme was determined by guanidine hydrochloride denaturation in conjunction with T, and AH,. Using the wild-type AC, value, Gibbs free energy changes AG at room temperature were calculated for all mutants. Four mutants were designed for helix capping stabilization, but only one of them showed such an effect. Because of electrostatic interference with the induced-fit motion, one mutant decreased the catalytic activity strongly. Two mutants expanded nonpolar cores causing destabilization. The mutant with the lower stability could be crystallized and subjected to an X-ray analysis at 223-pm resolution which showed the structural changes. The enzyme was stabilized by adding a -Pro-His-His tail to the C-terminal a-helix for nickel-chelate chromatography. This addition constitutes a helix cap. Taken together, the results demonstrate that stabilization by helix capping is difficult to achieve because the small positive effect is drowned by adverse mutational disruption. Further addition of atoms to nonpolar cores destabilized the protein, although the involved geometry changes were very small, demonstrating the importance of efficient packing.Keywords. Melting temperature ; melting enthalpy ; site-directed mutagenesis ; helix capping ; non-polar core.The relationships between sequence, structure and function in proteins are most important for understanding the 'second genetic code' and evolution at the molecular level, both of which are current research interests. In this context, we explored two types of sequence/structure relationships : helix capping and core perturbation. In the helix capping experiments we tried to achieve stabilization by introducing negative charges at N-terminals and positive charges at C-terminals of a-helices. In order to analyze core plasticity, we added one carbon atom to a highly conserved and three carbon atoms to a less well conserved nonpolar core. For a thorough assessment of the changes the resulting mutants were characterized by several methods.For these analyses we choose a small enzyme, the adenylate kinase (EC from baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) which catalyzes the transfer of the y-phosphate of ATP to AMP in the presence of bivalent cations according to: Mg" . ATP + AMP * Mg" . ADP + ADP. This reaction is essential for cell survival (Noda, 1973). Adenylate kinases have been purified from various sources and analyzed, several spatial struc-