Dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) contaminants present a challenging groundwater issue that has gained increasing attention worldwide since the 1980s (National Research Council, 2013). Once released to the subsurface, DNAPLs can penetrate through the groundwater table and appear as immobile liquids relative to groundwater flow, due to their physicochemical properties, that is, high density, low solubility, and low interfacial tension (Pankow and Cherry, 1996). Driven by gravity and capillary forces, a fraction of the DNAPL may become trapped within the soil pores as discontinuous ganglia, while another fraction may pool on locally low-permeability media (e.g., clay lenses) (Dekker & Abriola, 2000;Lenhard et al., 1989). These DNAPL source zones (SZ) are long-term sources that slowly release dissolved contaminant downstream until they are depleted by dissolution due to natural or imposed concentration gradients. During this time, the resulting plumes of dissolved DNAPL could pose a significant risk to humans and ecosystems. Mass discharge from DNAPL SZs is often used a remediation metrics to determine when the risk is such that warranties active remediation versus more passive approaches (National Research Council, 2013). A significant and sustained reduction in mass discharge can be used to justify less intrusive and more cost-efficient remediation. Overall, accurate prediction of DNAPL mass discharge and source longevity play a critical role in all aspects of site stewardship, from remedial program design to remedial performance assessment (Abriola et al., 2012;Kavanaugh et al., 2003).In practice, the contaminant mass discharge at a location of interest downstream is typically obtained by aggregating local measurements of concentrations and flow rates (or the local mass flux) from multilevel sampling