There have been significant advances in the treatment of neuroblastoma and rhabdomyosarcoma, but the clinical results are still poor, especially after tumor relapse. In addition to this, rhabdomyosarcoma does worse if localized tumors occur in unfavorable sites. Therefore, new chemotherapeutic agents have been sought, and the effects of 9-dimethylaminomethyl-10-hydroxycampthothecin (topotecan) and 7-ethyl-10-(4-[1-piperidino]-1-piperidino)-carbonylcamptothecin hydrochloride (irinotecan) were studied preclinically and clinically during the past decade not only in adults but also in children. Irinotecan and topotecan inhibit DNA topoisomerase I, which is an essential nuclear enzyme that relaxes torsionally strained duplex DNA, enabling replication and transcription. These agents were reported to be effective against various human malignancies in adults. Among these camptothecin derivatives, topotecan and irinotecan are the most widely used clinically, and at present irinotecan appears to be more promising in the treatment of childhood solid tumors such as rhabdomyosarcoma and neuroblastoma. The recommended dose and administration schedule differ among clinical trials.. For example, 1-day, 3-day, and 10-day regimens have been used. In the present article, the clinical effectiveness of topotecan and irinotecan with different administration schedules are reviewed in the US, French and Japanese literature, and the authors propose which agent and which administration schedule of these agents are the most effective in the treatment of pediatric solid tumors.
DEVELOPMENT OF TOPOTECAN AND IRINOTECANSignificant advances in survival rates have been achieved in the treatment of several pediatric solid tumors such as advanced neuroblastoma [1,2] and rhabdomyosarcoma [3,4], but the clinical results are still unsatisfactory, especially in patients with disseminated disease. Therefore, numerous new agents such as paclitaxel, fotemustine, busulfan, mitomycin C, ifosfamide, and bleomycin have been investigated for their efficacy in preclinical studies [5][6][7], and only a few were found to be sufficiently promising to be incorporated in clinical trials. The topoisomerase I inhibitors topotecan and irinotecan are examples of such promising agents.In the Yangtze River basin of China, elderly Chinese are aware that leaves of the tree Camptotheca acuminata are effective against human gastric cancer. The antitumor activity of 20(S)-camptothecin, a plant alkaloid isolated from C. acuminata, was first studied more than 20 years ago [8].Although 20(S)-camptothecin is insoluble in aqueous vehicles, extensive investigation has identified more soluble and active camptothecin analogs. The water-soluble analog, 9-di me t hy la m in ome th yl-10 -hy dr oxy -c a mp tot he c in ( to po tecan) demonstrate sbroad-spectrum activity against rodent tumor models [9] and significant therapeutic activity against some human colon adenocarcinoma xenografts [10].Another water-soluble derivative of camptothecin, 7-e t hy l -1 0-( 4-[ 1 -pi p e r id i n o ]-1...