Coronary artery fistulas (CAF) are the most common congenital anomaly of this vessel. We present the case of a 26-year-old man with two coexisting congenital cardiac defects: patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and CAF. The patient 3 months earlier had the transcatheter PDA closed (type A, diameter 4 mm) with a 10/8 mm PDA nitinol wire mesh occluder. After the procedure he continued to have symptoms of fatigue and continuous murmur in the precordial region persisted. In angio-CT a large coronary fistula from the circumflex coronary artery with suspicion of multiple orifices to the right atrium was found. An arteriovenous wire loop was created (guidewire introduced from the aorta through the CAF was snared using a lasso catheter in the superior vena cava and exteriorized through the right femoral vein). Retrogradely an 8 F long sheath and delivery system was introduced to the end of the fistula and a 12/10 mm Cardio-O-Fix PDA occluder (Starway Comp, China, Beijing) was implanted, closing one orifice of the CAF. Another leak (orifice of CAF – 3.5 mm diameter) was closed using a similar technique with a 10/8 mm PDA Cardio-O-Fix device. Complete closure of the coronary artery fistula and disappearance of the heart murmur were observed after the procedure. The patient was discharged home 4 days later on acetylsalicylic acid 150 mg/day. During 6 months of follow-up he was doing well without any complaints or pathological symptoms. In control angio-CT performed 3 months after the procedure complete closure of the CAF was confirmed.