Leriche Syndrome is the thrombotic obliteration of the aortic bifurcation. According to Aorto-iliac Occlusive Disease (AIOD) classification by the Trans Atlantic Inter-Society Consensus (TASC II), Leriche Syndrome belongs to type D lesions, for which surgery is the treatment of choice. Long-term primary patency rates for open surgery are undoubtedly superior to endovascular intervention with stent placement; however, secondary patency rates are comparable. Furthermore, open reconstructionsare related to higher operative morbidity, mortality, length of hospital stay and short-term costs.Hence, the decision as to whether to choose endovascular or open intervention requires a balance between the extent of patient's disease, the ability for patient to withstand a significant open operation without serious complication, and the surgeon's comfort and expertise in both open and endovascular aortoiliac procedures. There is a lack of datain literature, regarding mechanical thrombectomy in percutaneous treatment of aortoiliac occlusion. Our experience sought to demonstrate that rotational mechanical thrombectomy, performed with Rotarex device, could be a feasible and safe solution as an adjunct to stenting.