In breeding for resistance to late blight, ( Phytophthora infestans Mont. de Bary), an economically important disease affecting potatoes, the search for new sources of durable resistance includes the non-host wild Solanum species. The aim of this work was to evaluate the resistance to P. infestans in the somatic hybrids between S. nigrum L. and diploid potato clone ZEL-1136. Sixteen somatic hybrids, their fusion parents, and three standard potato cultivars were screened for resistance to P. infestans in two types of tests-on whole plants and detached leaves-with two highly aggressive and virulent isolates of P. infestans, US8 and MP322. In the whole plant assay, the foliage of the somatic hybrids showed no symptoms of infection, while the foliage of the potato fusion parent and the standard cultivars was infected with P. infestans. In the detached leaflet assay, the breaking-down of resistance of the S. nigrum L. parent and the variable response of individual hybrid clones were noted. Nine S. nigrum L. (+) ZEL-1136 hybrids showed a resistance that was significantly higher than that of S. nigrum, while six clones expressed a resistance to P. infestans similar to that of S. nigrum. The results confirm the effective transfer of late blight resistance of S. nigrum into its somatic hybrids with potato.