Abstract.A quasi-one-dimensional quantum spin antiferromagnet Cu 3 Mo 2 O 9 , which possesses the two spin degrees of freedom, the linear chain site and dimer-like site weakly interacting with one another, has recently been reported by permittivity and ESR to show a charge instability in its magnetically ordered state. In this article, we report the study on NMR and magnetization to show the existence of the field-induced magnetic phase transition accompanied by the charge anomaly at 8 T.
IntroductionA non trivial coupling between spins and charges has recently attracted much interest as an origin of the multiferroics from both the theoretical and experimental view points [1,2]. The target material of this report is a quasi one dimensional antiferromagnetic quantum spin system Cu 3 Mo 2 O 9 , consisting of a spin-1/2 linear chain and spin-1/2 dimer-like pair coupling weakly with one another [3][4][5]. Existence of these two spin degrees of freedom and of the weak frustration effect suggested an unprecedented spin state, on which intensive studies have been made so far. Recently, Okubo and Kuroe have found independently with different techniques of ESR and the permittivity that a charge instability is induced under high field above 8.5 T in the antiferromagnetically ordered state [6,7]. The latter also tries to explain this instability from the view point of the scaler chirality in the spins on the tetrahedron formed by the dimer-like pair and the two nearest neighbouring spins on the chain [7][8][9]. The subject of this paper is to detect microscopically the field-induced anomaly at 8.5 T and to clarify the relation between the charge anomaly and the magnetism.Before entering the subject we briefly summarize the magnetic and structural properties of this system. The intensive study on magnetization and specific heat by Hamasaki et al.[3] has revealed that a long range magnetic order occurs at T N =7.9 K, and that the ordered state is accompanied by a weak ferromagnetism due to Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction. Just below T N , weak ferromagnetic moments are randomly oriented at zero field, and aligned under a very weak field below 1 T, showing a metamagnetism. An anomalous dependence of the metamagnetization as well as T N on the applied field and on its direction are reported and argued to be originated in the quantum fluctuation and frustration effect [11,12]. The weak coupling between the chain site and the dimer-like sites is clearly demonstrated as an existence of the two discrete dispersions by recent inelastic neutron scattering experiments [4][5]. We have shown by NMR in the previous paper [10] that the chain site and the dimer-like site are observed as separate NMR signals and that the antiferromagnetic staggered moment