Changes in mean arterial pressure were monitored in rats following 50% isovolemic exchange transfusion with solutions of chemically modified hemoglobins. Blood pressure responses fall into three categories: 1) an immediate and sustained increase, 2) an immediate yet transient increase, or 3) no significant change either during or subsequent to exchange transfusion. The reactivities of these hemoglobins with nitric monoxide ( ⅐ NO) were measured to test the hypothesis that different blood pressure responses to these solutions result from differences in ⅐ NO scavenging reactions. All hemoglobins studied exhibited a value of 30 M ؊1 s ؊1 for both ⅐ NO bimolecular association rate constants and the rate constants for ⅐ NO-induced oxidation in vitro. Only the ⅐ NO dissociation rate constants and, thus, the equilibrium dissociation constants varied. Values of equilibrium dissociation constants ranged from 2 to 14 pM and varied inversely with vasopressor response. Hemoglobin solutions that exhibited either transient or no significant increase in blood pressure showed tighter ⅐ NO binding affinities than hemoglobin solutions that exhibited sustained increases. These results suggest that blood pressure increases observed upon exchange transfusion with cell-free hemoglobin solutions can not be the result of ⅐ NO scavenging reactions at the heme, but rather must be due to alternative physiologic mechanisms.Control of blood pressure and resistance to blood flow is achieved by a dynamic constriction and relaxation of smooth muscle tissue which surrounds all blood vessels except capillaries. Vascular smooth muscle tension is continually adjusted by a complex system that causes either vasoconstriction or vasodilation, depending on metabolic need (1). Research performed over the last decade has established that endotheliumderived nitric oxide ( ⅐ NO) 1 can cause vasodilation. ⅐ NO is produced by endothelial cells that lie between the intravascular space and the surrounding smooth muscle. Among the findings was the demonstration that ⅐ NO donors (e.g. nitroprusside, nitroglycerin) lead to vasorelaxation through activation of guanylate cyclase, whereas inhibitors of ⅐ NO synthesis (e.g. N Gmonomethyl-L-arginine) or scavengers (e.g. hemoglobin) cause vasoconstriction (for reviews, see Refs. 2 and 3).Since cell-free hemoglobin is being developed as a red cell substitute (4), reactions between hemoglobin and ⅐ NO are of potential importance in maintenance of microvascular blood flow and O 2 delivery. Despite the wide variation that exists in the physical properties (O 2 affinity, molecular mass, and solution properties) of different cell-free hemoglobins, it appears vasoconstriction is a feature common to many hemoglobin solutions (for reviews, see Refs. 2, 3, and 5). It is tempting to conclude that ⅐ NO scavenging is the principal, if not sole mechanism for vasoconstriction associated with cell-free hemoglobin. However, it is well established that multiple factors contribute to the physiological control of vascular smooth muscle to...