INTRODUCTIONElectron spin resonance (ESR) and optical absorp tion spectroscopy methods have been widely used to reveal particular features of the molecular structure of oil and its high molecular components, primarily res ins and asphaltenes. The ESR method makes it possi ble to study the state of paramagnetic ions, in particu lar, V 4+ ions, which, as a rule, are contained in oil as porphyrin complexes of vanadyl VO 2+ [1,2]. In the ground state, the V 4+ ion has the 3d 1 configuration with the spin 1/2. A strong covalent bond, which is deter mined by a short V-O distance, leads to an axial dis tortion of the nearest environment of the vanadium ion and, as a consequence, to a strong dependence of optical and magnetic resonance spectra on the proper ties of the compound that contains VO 2+ complexes. This particular feature allowed researchers to success fully use the ESR method and the optical absorption spectroscopy for obtaining information on the local symmetry, degree of covalence, structure of electron levels, presence of defects in the matrix, etc., in com pounds that contain vanadyl complexes (e.g., [3][4][5]).In studies of the properties of oils and their heavy fractions, special attention is paid to the investigation of their IR spectra [6], which contain a large number of characteristic narrow peaks that make interpreta tion of molecular structures easier [6]. In most cases, the visible and UV spectra are described by rather smooth curves [3], which do not contain characteristic peaks and, therefore, are considered to be less infor mative. However, the absence itself of characteristic features in these spectra is directly related to the prop erties of heavy oil fractions. A specific brownish color of resins and asphaltenes is one of their characteristic features [7,8] and is determined by the occurrence of broad electronic absorption bands in the visible and UV ranges. The absorption spectra in these ranges have been studied in [9][10][11], in which the use of low concentration oil solutions made it possible to reveal a number of resonant bands in the UV and visible spec tral ranges. These works demonstrated the potential of the UV and visible spectroscopy for studying samples of crude oil.Methods of polarization spectroscopy that study natural optical activity and magneto optical effects could significantly complement the absorption spec troscopy. In both situations, the main effect under study is circular dichroism, more specifically, natural circular dichroism and magnetic circular dichroism. The natural optical activity of oil is mainly related to carbon atoms that occupy asymmetric positions, i.e., are related to four different atoms or radicals. The optical activity is very sensitive to any changes in the structure of the substance and to intermolecular inter action; therefore, it can yield valuable information on the nature of substituents in molecules (both organic and complex inorganic compounds) and on their con formations, internal rotation, etc. The magneto opti cal activity is related to t...