Agakhanovite-(Y), ideally (YCa)o 2 KBe 3 Si 12 O 30 , is a new milarite-group mineral from the Heftetjern pegmatite, Tørdal, southern Norway. Crystals are prismatic along [001], and show the forms {100} and {100}. Agakhanovite-(Y) is colorless with a white streak and a vitreous luster, and does not fluoresce under ultraviolet light. There is no cleavage or parting, and no twinning was observed. Mohs hardness is 6, and agakhanovite-(Y) is brittle with a conchoidal fracture. The calculated density is 2.672 g/cm 3 . Optical properties were measured with the Bloss spindle stage for the wavelength 590 nm using a gel filter. Agakhanovite-(Y) is uniaxial (-) with indices of refraction w = 1.567, e = 1.564, both ±0.002; the calculated birefringence is 0.003 and it is non-pleochroic. Agakhanovite-(Y) is hexagonal, space group P6/mcc, a = 10.3476(2), c = 13.7610(3) Å, V = 1276.02(9) Å 3 , Z = 2, c:a = 1.330. The seven strongest lines in the X-ray powder-diffraction pattern are as follows: d (Å), I, (hkl): 2.865, 100, (124); 3.287, 96, (131); 4.134, 84, (122); 6.877, 56, (002); 2.986, 43, (030); 4.479, 38, (020); 2.728, 36, (024). Chemical analysis by electron microprobe gave SiO 2 69.56, Al 2 O 3 0.35, Y 2 O 3 9.69, Yb 2 O 3 0.15, FeO 0.02 CaO 5.75, Na 2 O 0.07, K 2 O 4.52, BeO(calc) 7.06, H 2 O(calc) 1.74, sum 98.91 wt%. The H 2 O content was determined by crystal-structure analysis. On the basis of 30 anions, the empirical formula is (Y 0.89 Yb 0.01 Ca 1.06 ) S1.96 (H 2 O) 0.92 Na 0.02 K 1.00 (Be 2.93 Al 0.07 ) S3.00 Si 12.02 O 30 . The crystal structure of agakhanovite-(Y) was refined to an R 1 index of 1.9% based on 660 unique observed reflections collected on a three-circle rotating-anode (MoKa X-radiation) diffractometer equipped with multilayer optics and an APEX-II detector. In the end-member structure of agakhanovite-(Y), the A site is occupied equally by Y and Ca, and the B site is vacant; agakhanovite-(Y) is the Y-analog of oftedalite: ScCao 2 KBe 3 Si 12 O 30 , and the Y-Ca-Be analog of klöchite, (Fe 2+ Fe 3+ )o 2 KZn 3 Si 12 O 30 .