Recombinant and purified Thermotoga maritima CopA sustains ATPase velocity of 1.78 -2.73 mol/mg/min in the presence of Cu ؉ (pH 6, 60°C) and 0.03-0.08 mol/mg/min in the absence of Cu ؉ . High levels of enzyme phosphorylation are obtained by utilization of [␥-32 P]ATP in the absence of Cu ؉ . This phosphoenzyme decays at a much slower rate than observed with Cu⅐E1 ϳ P. In fact, the phosphoenzyme is reduced to much lower steady state levels upon addition of Cu ؉ , due to rapid hydrolytic cleavage. Negligible ATPase turnover is sustained by CopA following deletion of its N-metal binding domain (⌬NMBD) or mutation of NMBD cysteines (CXXC). Nevertheless, high levels of phosphoenzyme are obtained by utilization of [␥-32 P]ATP by the ⌬NMBD and CXXC mutants, with no effect of Cu ؉ either on its formation or hydrolytic cleavage. Phosphoenzyme formation (E2P) can also be obtained by utilization of P i , and this reaction is inhibited by Cu ؉ (E2 to E1 transition) even in the ⌬NMBD mutant, evidently due to Cu ؉ binding at a (transport) site other than the NMBD. E2P undergoes hydrolytic cleavage faster in ⌬NMBD and slower in CXXC mutant. We propose that Cu ؉ binding to the NMBD is required to produce an "active" conformation of CopA, whereby additional Cu ؉ bound to an alternate (transmembrane transport) site initiates faster cycles including formation of Cu⅐E1 ϳ P, followed by the E1 ϳ P to E2-P conformational transition and hydrolytic cleavage of phosphate. An H479Q mutation (analogous to one found in Wilson disease) renders CopA unable to utilize ATP, whereas phosphorylation by P i is retained.Cation transport ATPases utilize ATP-free energy for transport of specific ions across biological membranes, against electrochemical gradients. They are referred to as P-type ATPases when enzyme phosphorylation, obtained by phosphoryl transfer from ATP to the enzyme protein, is an obligatory intermediate step in the mechanism of ATP utilization and coupled cation transport (1-3). The P-type ATPase family is divided into five branches referred to as I-V (4), including the important PII-type ATPases, which are specific for H , and Co 2ϩ (5). The PIB ATPases sustain important roles in accumulation and tolerance of heavy metal in biological systems (6 -8), as well as for delivery of copper to metalloenzymes (9). Two ATPases of this subgroup serve as copper transporters in humans (10). Mutations of these proteins are involved in the etiology of Menkes and Wilson diseases (8,(11)(12)(13). The catalytic mechanism of the PIB ATPases has been the subject of preliminary studies (14 -19).For a comparative evaluation, it is useful to consider that the structure of PII-type ATPases, originally established for the Ca 2ϩ -ATPase by sequence analysis (20) and crystallography (21), includes three cytosolic domains referred to as N (nucleotide binding), P (phosphorylation), and A (actuator) domains, and 10 transmembrane helices containing the specific cation binding site for catalytic activation and transport. On the other hand, the structure of the...