1 The e ects of unfractionated heparin (UH) and a selectively O-desulphated derivative of heparin (ODSH), lacking anticoagulant activity, on the adhesion of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (HPBMNC) to human stimulated umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), were investigated. 2 For comparison, the e ects of poly-L-glutamic acid (PGA), a large polyanionic molecule without sulphate groups and two di erent molecular weight sulphated dextrans (DS 5 k and DS 10 k) were studied. 3 UH (50 ± 1000 u ml 71 ) signiŸcantly (P50.05) inhibited the adhesion of HPBMNC to HUVECs, stimulated with IL-1b (100 u ml 71 ), TNF-a (1000 u ml 71 ) or LPS (100 mg ml 71 ), when the drugs were added together with stimuli to HUVECs and coincubated for 6 h. Such e ects on adhesion occurred with limited in¯uence on expression of relevant endothelial adhesion molecules (ICAM-1 and VCAM-1). 4 UH (100 ± 1000 u ml 71 ), when added to prestimulated HUVECs, signiŸcantly (P50.05) increased adhesion of mononuclear cells to endothelium at the higher concentrations tested, without any e ect on adhesion molecule expression. In contrast, the opposite e ect was observed when human polymorphonuclear leucocyte adhesion was examined, under the same experimental conditions, suggesting that the observed potentiation of HPBMNC adhesion is cell speciŸc. 5 The e ects of UH on HPBMNC adhesion were shared by the non-anticoagulant ODSH (600 ± 6000 mg ml 71 ) but not by sulphated dextrans or PGA (300 ± 6000 mg ml 71 ). 6 Heparin a ects the adhesion of HPBMNC to stimulated endothelium, in both an inhibitory and potentiating manner, e ects which are unrelated to its anticoagulant activity and not solely dependent on molecular charge characteristics.