Abstract:In order to gain further insight into possible deleterious effects on ischaemia-induced myocardial damage induced by sulfonylureas when administered to humans, the effects of tolbutamide on ATP-sensitive Kf ( K A T~) channels from human right atrial myocytes were studied. Single myocytes were enzymatically isolated from human right atrium. The cell-attached and inside-out configuration of the patch-clamp technique were employed at room temperature (both the pipette and the bath solution contained high [K']). KATp channels in inside-out patches showed slight inward rectification, had a slope conductance of 75.1 1'2.4 pS (mean%S.E.M.; n=5) at negative membrane potentials and these channels were blocked by ATP (half-maximal block (EC,,) at 39 pM; Hill coefficient= 1.65). In cell-attached recordings, cromakalim (300 pM) opened KATp channels (with a slope conductance of 73.31'1.8 pS (n=16) at negative membrane potentials) in previously silent patches. Cromakalim-induced openings of KATp channels were not markedly affected by 100 or 300 pM tolbutamide but were blocked by tolbutamide at millimolar concentrations (1-3 mM). The concentration-response relationship for tolbutamide-induced block of KATp channels in the presence of 300 pM cromakalim in cell-attached patches was calculated to values for the EC5, of 1.325 mM and for the Hill coefficient of 1.0, respectively. 1 mM tolbutamideinduced block of cromakalim-induced KATp channel openings was not different at room temperature when compared to 37". It is concluded that KATp channels from human right atrial myocytes have a low sensitivity towards tolbutamideinduced block. K A T~ channels have first been described in guinea-pig and rabbit cardiac myocytes (Noma 1983). At physiological intracellular ATP levels KATp channel activity would be minimal in cardiac myocytes, the channels do not contribute to repolarization and thus blockers of these channels (sulfonylureas) are not expected to affect the action potential configuration. However, under ischaemic conditions, the activation of KATp channels causes shortening of the cardiac action potential and, by decreasing Ca2+-entry, have a depressant effect on cardiac contractility. Thus, ATP consumption is decreased and this may protect the cell from irreversible impairment of its cellular functions (Noma 1983; for a review see Nichols & Lederer 1991). Under these conditions sulfonylureas might have an antiarrhythmic effect on reentrant ventricular arrhythmias during early myocardial ischaemia; these arrhythmias are the major cause of death from myocardial infarction: However, during reperfusion sulfonylureas seem to increase the incidence of arrhythmias and to decrease post-ischaemic recovery. Both