Abstract:A study on sulfur circulation in sediments was carried out in dam reservoirs (Sulejów, Siemianówka, Turawa) with di erent hydrological and age characteristics as well as with a di erent level of sediment accumulation and organic matter content. Di erences in the isotopic composition of SO − in the water column and small variations in the concentration of this ion were observed in the Turawa reservoir. The investigations did not show vertical variation in the watercolumn concentrations and isotopic composition. This is due to the small depths of the reservoir and mixing of water. A part of sulfate sulfur from the water column is reduced by incorporating it into cell structures, while a part of it is deposited in the sediment. The study revealed a small exchange of SO − between the water column and the sediment. Depending on the season of the year and the sediment sampling site, biogeochemical transformations of sulfur species are observed. A signi cant variation in the biogeochemical processes was found between the Siemianówka and Sulejów reservoirs, both in the concentrations and in the isotopic composition of particular sulfur species. This primarily results from the di erent characteristics of either of these reservoirs ( ows, sedimentation, and material discharge to the lake). The main source of sulfur supplied to the sediments in the Siemianówka reservoir is organic sulfur contained in organic matter deposited at the bottom. In the sediment, organic sulfur is bacterially oxidized and xed as SO − .This is manifested in a substantial enrichment of sulfate in S. The presence of polysul des was found in both reservoirs, but a distinct depletion of δ S(S − ) in the light sulfur isotope was observed in the Siemianówka reservoir. In a part of the Sulejów reservoir, polysul des are oxidized to SO − ,probably at the sediment/water interface.