Introduction. Polymers with long side chains (comb polymers) provide unique opportunities to tailor surface properties of polymer films for applications in the areas of adhesion, friction, membrane transport, and biocompatibility. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] In particular, polymers containing long alkyl or fluorinated alkyl side chains have been used to generate hydrophobic surfaces with surface energies that are comparable to those created by well-ordered self-assembled monolayers (SAM). 1-2,9-10 Comb copolymers with alkyl side chains typically show two thermal transitions: one associated with smectic liquid crystalline order where the d spacing is proportional to the length of the side groups 1,2 and the other associated with crystallization of the alkyl side chains. The surface energy of alkyl side chain comb polymers decreases with increase in the length of the alkyl side groups until a certain critical chain length, after which it asymptotes to a constant value. 1 These observations are reminiscent of results for SAM's where the length of the alkyl chains, packing, and mobility of the chains control the surface energies. 9,10 Although, considerable work has been done in the past in understanding the molecular ordering of SAM, very little is known about the molecular structure of alkyl chains at the comb polymer-air interface. 11 In this Communication, we report the first spectroscopic measurement of the molecular structure of octadecyl alkyl side chains at poly(vinyl octadecyl carbamatesco-vinyl acetate)-air interface (the polymer will be referred to as octadecyl polymer for simplicity) using the surface sensitive sum-frequency generation (SFG) technique. SFG involves mixing a visible high-intensity laser beam of frequency ω 1 , with a tunable infrared wavelength source of frequency ω 2 . According to the dipole approximation, generation of a SFG photon at (ω 1 + ω 2 ) is forbidden in the centrosymmetric bulk and is nonzero at interfaces where the inversion symmetry is broken. 12-16 SFG intensities are resonantly enhanced when ω 2 overlaps with the resonant frequency of a molecular vibrational mode that is both infrared and Raman active. The intensity, polarization, and resonance frequency of the SFG signal yield chemical and orientational information on molecules at interfaces. [12][13][14][15][16][17][18] Here, we compare the differences in the surface structure of 65 nm thick octadecyl polymer films prepared by spin-coating to a 7 nm polymer layer prepared by solution dipping on a mica substrate. In both cases, the SFG signals show strong methyl asymmetric and symmetric stretching vibrations indicating ordered methyl terminal groups. For the adsorbed octadecyl films, the SFG signal associated with methylene vibrations is higher indicating increased gauche defects in