Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan somatotype dengan kesegaran jasmnai atlet sepak bola. Desain penelitian cross sectional dengan sampel sebanyak 42 subjek dipilih secara random sampling. Data somatotype didapatkan dari pengukuran antropometri terdiri dari berat badan, tinggi badan, trisep, suprailiaca, subscapular, calf skinfold, humerus width, fumerus width, dan flixed arm girth yang dihitung dengan metode antropometri Heath-Carter untuk menghasilkan skor somatotype yaitu endomorph, mesomorph, dan ectomorph. Data kesegaran jasmani diperoleh dengan tes ACSPFT (Asian Committee on the Standarization of Physical Fitness Test) terdiri dari tes kecepatan, daya ledak otot, ketangkasan, kelenturan, dan kekuatan. Data asupan zat gizi diperoleh dengan metode food recall 3x24 jam. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji chi-square dan kolmogorov-smirnov. Dari semua subjek diperoleh 19% memiliki tipe tubuh endomorph, 26.2% mesomorph, dan 54.8% ectomorph. Secara keseluruhan subjek memiliki kesegaran jasmani 73.8% baik, 21.4% sedang, dan 4.8 % kurang. Ada hubungan somatotype dengan kecepatan (p=0,034), daya ledak otot (p=0.0001), ketangkasan (p=0.0001), kelenturan (p=0.041), kekuatan (p=0.003) dan kesegaran jasmani (p=0.045). Tipe ectomorph dan dan mesomorph memiliki komponen kesegaran jasmani lebih baik dibandingkan tipe endomorph. Asupan energi (p=0.035) dan somatotype (p=0.045) merupakan variabel yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kesegaran jasmani Correlation of Somatotype with Physical Fitness of Football AthletesAbstractThe aim of this study is to analyze the correlation of somatotype with physical fitness in football athletes. A cross sectional study with 42 subjects was selected by random sampling. Somatotype assessed with anthropometric measurements consists of weight, height, tricep, suprailiaca, subscapular, skinfold calf, humerus width, fumerus width, flixed arm girth. The somatotype components were calculating Heath-Carter anthropometric method to obtained somatotype score endomorph, mesomorph, and ectomorph. Physical fitness were obtained by the ACSPFT (Asian Committee on the Standarization of Physical Fitness Test) consists of speed, muscular explosive power, agility, flexibility, and strength. Data of nutrient intake were obtained by food recall method 3x24 hours. Data analyzed by chi-square and kolmogorov-smirnov test. Subjects were 19% endomorph, 26.2% mesomorph, and 54.8% ectomorph. Overall subjects had a good physical fitness 73.8%, 21.4% moderate, and 4.8% less. There were various somatotype correlation with speed (p=0.034), muscle explosive power (p=0.0001), agility (p=0.0001), flexibility (p=0.041), strength (p=0.003) and physical fitness (p=0.045). The ectomorph and mesomorph types had better physical fitness components than the endomorph type. Energy intake (p=0.035) and somatotype (p=0.045) were the most influential variables on physical fitness.