“…B., DiUard, and others, 1963 Baker, B. B., Peckham,and others, 1963 Baker, E. T., Jr., and others, 1963 Baker and Dale, 1964 Baker, R. C., and others, 1964 Barnes, 1946 Berger and Fash, 1934 Blank, 1956Cronin, 1961 Elliott, 1953Garza and Wesselman, 1962 Gordon, C. H., 1913Henniger, 1925 Jessen and Rolshausen, 1944 Knowles and Kennedy, 1958 Lang and others, 1950 Leggat, 1957 Leggat and others, 1963 Lonsdale and Day, 1937 Me Million, 1958Ogilbee and Wesselman, 1962Osborne, 1960Petitt and George, 1956Petitt and Winslow, 1957 Texas Board Water Engineers, 1960Turner and Foster, 1934 Turner and others, 1960Ward and Leonard, 1961Winslow and Kister, 1956 , Winslow and others, 1957 Wood and others, 1963 Utah Callaghan and Thomas, 1939 Carpenter, 1913 Conner and others, 1958 Goode and Felt is, 1962 lorns and others, 1964 Marine and Price, 1964Meinzer, 1911Mower, 1965 Taylor and Legette, 1949Young and Carpenter, 1965 Virginia Cederstrom, 1943a, 1943b, 1946a, 1946b Washington Price and others, 1964 West Virginia Heck and others, 1964 Price and others, 1936 Price and others, 1937 Wisconsin LeRoux, 1957 Ryling, 1961Weidman and Schultz, 1915 Wyoming Alien and Day, 1935 Bartlett, 1926 Berry and Littleton, 1961Crawford, 1940Crawford and Davis, 1962 Estabrook, 1925 lorns and others, 1964 Kohout, 1957 Morris and others, 1959Parks, 1925 Rapp and others, 1957Robinove and Langford, 1963Stabler, 1931 Swenson, 1957a Wegeman, 1918Whitcomb, 1964Whitcomb and Morris, 1964 Whitcomb and others, 1958 …”