Molecular School (MS) is an extracurricular
initiative intended
to show relevant and complex concepts of chemical sciences to precollege
students. The main goal is to motivate the participants to expand
their awareness of chemical sciences and to acknowledge its relevance
in everyday life, in order to stimulate the students to engage in
chemistry undergraduate degrees. Here, we address the successful case
of MS, implemented in Portugal, where recently, the universities have
been facing significant difficulties in attracting new students to
join chemistry-related courses. We report the first three editions
of this free of cost preuniversity school, whose main subject is chemistry.
All editions were held in the University of Coimbra, Portugal, and
organized by PhD students of the department of chemistry of this institution.
The three editions are discussed here, with particular focus on the
last edition. Several participants ultimately chose chemistry BSc
degrees to continue their education, which substantiates the positive
outreach of this initiative. We believe MS can be replicated, adapted,
and improved in other contexts and countries to increase the number
of students enrolling chemistry university degrees.