The deuterium decoupled, proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of a sample of diphenylmethane-d 3 dissolved in a nematic liquid crystalline solvent has been analyzed to yield a set of dipolar couplings, D i j . These have been used to test models for the conformational distribution generated by rotation about the two ring-CH 2 bonds through angles 1 and 2 . Conformational distributions, particularly when obtained from a quantum chemistry calculation, are usually described in terms of the potential energy surface, V( 1 , 2 ), which is then used to define a probability density distribution, P( 1 , 2 ). It is shown here that when attempting to obtain P( 1 , 2 ) from experimental data it can be an advantage to do this directly without going through the intermediate step of trying to characterize V( 1, 2 ). When applied to diphenylmethane this method shows that the dipolar couplings are consistent with a conformational distribution centered on 1 ϭ 2 ϭ56.5Ϯ0.5°, which is close to the values calculated for an isolated molecule of 57.0°, and significantly different from the asymmetric structure found in the crystalline state.