Great efforts have been exercised during the past few years in applying magic-angle spinning (MAS) NMR spectroscopy to the highly abundant 14 N quadrupolar nucleus (99.6% natural abundance, spin I ) 1) in polycrystalline solids. [1][2][3] Obviously a successful outcome of these efforts would be highly appreciated in particular if the resulting spinning sideband (ssb) spectra would be of sufficient quality to allow analysis in a straightforward manner, thereby yielding useful spectral parameters. For example, this could involve the procedures and versatile software programs already developed for the analyses of spinning sideband spectra (the complete manifold and/or individual ssb line shapes) for halfinteger spin (I ) 3 / 2 , 5 / 2 , 7 / 2 , ...) quadrupolar nuclei and 2 H. [4][5][6][7][8][9][10] The potential of a routine determination for the 14 N quadrupole coupling constant (C Q ) and asymmetry parameter (η Q ) from such spectra would constitute a valuable parameter set characterizing the environment of the nitrogen atom in addition to the isotropic/ anisotropic 15 N chemical shift data, oftentimes determined using 15