This study describes the regioselective hydroxylation and the rates of conversion of a series of fluorinated phenol derivatives by phenol hydroxylase from the yeast Trichosporon cutuneurn. The natural logarithm of the k,,, value for the conversion of the phenolic substrates correlates with the calculated energy of the reactive electrons in the highest occupied molecular orbital of the substrate ( r = 0.85). This observation supports the hypothesis that at physiological pH (7.6) and 25"C, in the absence of monovalent anions, the nucleophilic attack of the electrons in the highest occupied molecular orbital of the substrate on the C(4a)-hydroperoxyflavin enzyme intermediate is of major importance in determining the overall rate of catalysis. Results from 19F-NMR analysis of the incubation mixtures demonstrate for phenols with two identical ortho substituents, that the ortho position which becomes preferentially hydroxylated is the one with the highest density of the reactive electrons in the highest occupied molecular orbital. A halogen substituent at a metu position decreases the chances for hydroxylation at the adjacent ortho position further than expected on the basis of the calculated reactivity. This result indicates a contribution of a proteinkubstrate dipolar interaction, influencing the time-averaged orientation of the substrate with respect to the reactive C(4a)-hydroperoxyflavin intermediate.
Keywords.Flavin ; 29F-NMR ; molecular orbital ; monooxygenase ; phenol hydroxylase.Phenol hydroxylase is a flavin-dependent monooxygenase that can be isolated from a variety of sources, e.g. bacteria, actinomycetes and yeasts. The present study focuses on the phenol hydroxylase from the strictly aerobic yeast Trichosporon cumneurn [l]. The catalytic mechanism of the enzyme is reported to proceed by formation of a C(4a)-hydroperoxyflavin intermediate, formed upon two-electron reduction of the flavin prosthetic group by NADPH, incorporation of an oxygen molecule, and protonation of the lperoxy moiety [l -31. The mechanism by which the C(4a)-hydroperoxyflavin intermediate converts the substrate to its hydroxylated form is supposed to proceed analogously to the mechanism for other aromatic hydroxylases, i.e. by an electrophilic attack of the hydroperoxide function on the substrate [4-61. The enzyme has been reported to catalyse the hydroxylation of a variety of substituted phenols, such as fluoro-, chloro-, amino-and methyl-phenols and also dihydroxybenzenes, at the ortho position with respect to the hydroxyl moiety [7, 81. The reaction cycle consists of various separate steps and is supposed to proceed by successive substrate binding, NADPH binding, flavin reduction, NADP' release, oxygen Correspondence to S. Peelen, Department of Biochemistry, Agricultural University, Dreijenlaan 3, NL-6703 HA Wageningen, The Netherlands Fax: +31 8370 84801. Abbreviations. MO-QSAR, molecular-orbital-based quantitative structure-activity relationship; HOMO, highest occupied molecular orbital; E(HOMO), energy of the highest occupied mol...