An insight into the motional heterogeneity of a series of poly(ether-block-amide) copolymers
is presented and discussed in terms of its NMR fingerprints dependent on a content and length of hard
and soft segments and a microphase-separated morphology. Local-field dipolar spectra carry a straightforward signature of microphase-separated morphology endowed with a strong mobility gradient. The
dipolar features of the poly(tetramethylene glycol) (PTMG) and polyamide-12 (PA) components, besides
visualizing the presence of separated PTMG and PA phases, also give evidence for the presence of the
dynamic heterogeneity of each component. 1H MAS spectra provide an another fingerprint of phase-separated systems. Although such spectra roughly show increasing line broadening at higher PA/PTMG
ratio, they are mainly sensitive to the presence of the most mobile fragments and may give a distorted
vision of intrinsic mobility of the soft component in the presence of its dynamic heterogeneity. 13C spectra
bearing proton−carbon J-coupling features appear to be more sensitive to the length of the soft blocks
and seem to bring a proper visualization of their overall mobility. Special attention has been paid to
characterize motional heterogeneity of the soft component by exploiting cross-polarization transfer
efficiency combined with indirect T
2(1H) relaxation measurements. The cross-polarization inversion
experiments provide, from heteronuclear dipolar interaction perspective, a corroborating visualization of
the extent of motional distribution of the PTMG component. The revealed fingerprints of the motional
heterogeneity of the soft component and the ways exploited in this work for their retrieval might be
helpful for a better assessment of its role in the mechanical properties of thermoplastic elastomers.