Dynamics of lithium ions in solid materials is a key parameter for applications such as electrode materials for lithium ion batteries. The Li diffusion in single crystalline γ-LiAlO 2 was studied with temperature-dependent 7 Li NMR spectroscopy and conductivity measurements. The NMR measurements include a detailed study of the temperature dependence of static spectra and spin−lattice relaxation rate measurements. A combination of these methods allowed us to study diffusion coefficients over a range of more than seven decades. The range covered was 10 −20 to 10 −13 m 2 s −1 corresponding to jump rates between 10 0 and 10 7 s −1 . An activation energy of about 1 eV was found. The hopping between crystallographically equivalent Li sites was explicitly verified by coalescence of quadrupole satellites in the NMR spectra.
■ INTRODUCTIONγ-LiAlO 2 crystallizes in the tetragonal space group P4 1 2 1 2. A unit cell of this crystal contains four formula units and has lattice parameters a = 5.1687 ± 0.0005 Å and c = 6.2679 ± 0.0006 Å. 1 There are four chemically equivalent but magnetically inequivalent sites for the Li as well as for the Al atoms. LiAlO 2 is used as a substrate material for epitaxial growth of III−V semiconductors like GaN. 2 The stability of such systems during processing and operation will depend on lithium diffusion in the substrate and from the substrate into the semiconducting films. Furthermore, LiAlO 2 is used as a coating in Li electrodes 3 and as an additive in composite Li electrolytes. 4 Again, Li diffusion is a crucial process for these applications. LiAlO 2 is also considered as a candidate material for tritium breeder or fusion reactors. 5 In this case, tritium release and diffusion will depend on lithium diffusion in this material. Therefore, molecular dynamics simulation had been carried out, which predicted a Li diffusion coefficient of 2.8 × 10 −11 m 2 /s at 600 K and an activation energy of 0.5 eV. 5 First, NMR measurements were performed on powder samples to investigate the local electronic structure at the Al sites 6 and 7 Li T 1 relaxation times. 7 The electronic structure in a single crystal of LiAlO 2 , being identical to the one used here, was studied via the orientation dependence of 7 Li NMR spectra. 8 From this, the complete electric field gradient (EFG) tensor was determined for the Li positions. In this study, we present investigations of the Li dynamics in a γ-LiAlO 2 single crystal. For this purpose, we performed temperature-dependent NMR spectroscopic studies as well as measurements of the ionic conductivity. NMR is a versatile tool to study the dynamics of, for example, Li ions in condensed matter over a large range of correlation times. 9 We examined the temperature dependence of 7 Li NMR relaxation rates and of static 7 Li NMR spectra. The latter one comprises the motional narrowing of the central transition as well as the coalescence of quadrupolar satellites.
■ SAMPLE PREPARATIONLiAlO 2 single crystals were grown using the Czochralski technique with radiofrequency induct...