Single crystals of LaOs4As12, CeFe4As12, CeRu4As12, CeOs4As12 PrFe4As12, PrRu4As12, PrOs4As12, and ThFe4As12 were grown from high purity elemental specimens by mineralization in a Cd : As flux. The process was carried out over 3 -4 weeks in a sealed quartz ampoule with pressures of 15 -40 atm. The elevated pressures were produced by As4 vapor and Ar gas at the mineralization temperatures between 750 -825• C. To avoid disintegration, the ampoule was heated in a custom built pressure cell. After the synthesis and mineralization were completed, the Cd : As flux components were removed by sublimation and repeatedly used for subsequent crystallizations, thus avoiding dangerous environmental contamination. The morphology and various physical properties of the single crystal filled skutterudite arsenides are presented.