We demonstrate that fermion-boson models with nonlocal interactions can be simulated at finite band filling with the continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo method. We apply this method to explore the influence of the electron-phonon interaction range for a half-filled band in one dimension, covering the full range from the Holstein to the Fröhlich regime. The phase diagram contains metallic, Peierls, and phase-separated regions. Nonlocal interactions suppress the Peierls instability, and thereby lead to almost degenerate power-law exponents for charge and pairing correlations. Introduction.-Electron-phonon interaction has an essential influence on the properties of many materials [1]. It plays a key role for pairing and superconductivity, mass renormalization, and charge ordering phenomena. Taking into account quantum lattice fluctuations leads to a complex, many-body problem. Consequently, theoretical studies usually rely on simplified microscopic models. A frequently invoked approximation, in particular for numerical studies, is to consider a completely local electronphonon coupling as in Holstein's molecular-crystal model [2]. However, nonlocal interactions are expected to play an important role in materials with incomplete screening such as quasi-one-dimensional (quasi-1D) organics [3]. Long-range interactions, as described by the Fröhlich model [4], have been investigated in the context of hightemperature superconducting cuprates [5][6][7][8][9], and were found to support light polarons and bipolarons [10][11][12].