For the first time, quantum well intermixing and multiple die bonding of InP on a silicon photonic waveguide circuit were combined. In this manner, a broadband superluminescent III-V on silicon LED was realized. The device consists of four sections with different band gaps, centered around 1300nm, 1380nm, 1460nm and 1540nm. The fabricated LEDs were connected on-chip in a serial way, where the light generated in the smaller band gap sections travels through the larger band gap sections. By balancing the pump current in the four LEDs we achieved 292nm of 3dB bandwidth and an on-chip power of -8dBm.
OCIS codes:( While originally conceived for data and telecom applications, a broader range of applications is rapidly emerging using silicon photonics as a potential integration platform. Using standard CMOS fabrication techniques the silicon photonic chip fabrication can achieve very high yield. However, it is difficult to realize a monolithically integrated light source on silicon due to its indirect band gap. Therefore III-V compounds such as InP are heterogeneously integrated on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) waveguide circuits. In these integrated devices the gain is provided by the active region originally grown on a III-V substrate.Superluminescent diodes (SLDs) are suitable for numerous applications ranging from optical component testing to sensing applications (e.g. gyroscopes) as well as medical imaging (e.g. optical coherence tomography). For these applications, large bandwidth is of critical importance (300nm of bandwidth leads to ±3µm of resolution in OCT). There are different approaches of extending the bandwidth of the III-V gain medium, among which a dual quantum well design [4], multistate quantum wells [5] and quantum dots [6]. These structures are however difficult to design and optimize and operate well only using specific drive currents. Alternatively, broadband supercontinuum sources can be considered, but these typically require ultra-short pulse * Corresponding author: sources that cannot yet be integrated on the silicon-oninsulator waveguide circuit [7].To address these limitations, we designed and demonstrated a superluminescent single mode light emitting diode with different active sections having a different band gap, integrated on a silicon waveguide circuit. Thanks to the implantation enhanced disordering quantum well intermixing technique (IED-QWI), we can blueshift certain areas of the to-be-bonded InP die [8]. On top of that, we can bond several dies on one SOI waveguide circuit [9]. To our knowledge, it is the first time that these two techniques have been combined, although they are very complementary. With this achievement, we merged four different band gaps in a serial manner, as indicated in figure 1a.Since two epitaxial layer stacks are bonded side by side, we have a large design freedom for the epitaxial design. Our layer stack of choice is described in table 1. The downside of this multiple die bonding is the reduced flexibility in the positioning of th...