We have studied the propagation of femtosecond pulses in a Kerr medium both experimentally and numerically. The nonlinear propagation in a Kerr material leads to the formation of optical patterns and filaments [1]. We investigate the similarities between the propagation of light pulses in a Kerr medium and the evolution of fluid dynamical systems, and propose the use of an optical system to simulate fluid dynamics.The experiments were performed using a TiSapphire amplified laser system which generates 150-femtosecond pulses with energies up to 2 mJ at a wavelength of 800 nm. Carbon disulfide was chosen as the nonlinear medium due to its large nonlinear coefficient. A collimated beam with a diameter of 5 mm was launched into the nonlinear medium and the output beam profile was imaged on a CCD camera for different propagation lengths. Figure 1a shows an image of the central part (0.5 mm x 0.5 mm) of the input beam and Fig. 1b shows the output beam after traversing 10 mm of the nonlinear medium. Modulation instability causes the beam to break up into a pattern of connected lines (constellation) and bright spots (filaments). The output beam profile is repeatable over multiple laser shots provided the input beam does not change. The constellation is experimentally observed to appear before the filaments, and remains constant as the beam propagates [2]. After the constellation appears, the lines start to break up into an increasing number of filaments as the beam propagates [2,3]. The filaments reach a stable diameter of 12 micrometers and propagate for several millimeters before diverging. Increasing the energy of the input beam causes the beam to break up in a shorter distance and the formation of more filaments. The size and intensity of the filaments, however, does not change. We have also observed conical emission from the filaments which interacts with the constellation to seed the formation of new filaments. The light propagation was also simulated numerically. Figure 1c shows the output beam calculated numerically. The propagation was simulated using a time-averaged nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLSE), including the effects of diffraction, a positive third-order nonlinearity (n 2 ) and a negative fifthorder nonlinearity (n 4 ). The third-order nonlinearity generates an index change proportional to the intensity that causes self-focusing. The fifth-order term is responsible for the formation of stable filaments as it