“…Copyright 2014 by Springer Publishing. Primary sources used in constructing this table for each supervision perspective are as follows: psychoanalytic/psychodynamic-Binder and Strupp (1997),Dewald (1997),Watkins (2013), andWatkins and Scaturo (2014); behavioral/cognitive-behavioral-Liese and Beck (1997),Reiser (2014), and Woods andEllis (1997); humanistic/existential-Farber (2014),Patterson (1997), and van Deurzen and Young (2009); integrative/eclectic-Gilbert and Evans (2000), Halgin (1997, 2005), andScaturo and Watkins (2014); developmental-Rigazio-Digilio (2014); Rigazio-DiGilio, Daniels, and Ivey (1997);Stoltenberg, Bailey, Cruzan, Hart, and Ukuku (2014); andStoltenberg and McNeill (2010); and social role/process-Bernard (1997),Bernard and Goodyear (2014.a Designates a psychotherapy-focused supervision perspective.agreement on goals and engaging in tasks are related to both the therapeutic alliance and positive psychotherapy outcomes" (p. 614; cf Tyron & Winograd, 2011)…”