“…We evaluate our approach on two face databases: the Extended YaleB database [38] and the AR face database [37], two handwritten digit datasets: MNIST [39] and USPS [40], and an object category dataset: Texture-25 [41]. We compare our method with SRC [12], M-SVM [17], FDDL [24], DKSVD [10], LCKSVD [16], SVGDL [42], S2D2 [19], JDL [11], OSSDL [22], SSR-D [36], and the recently proposed USSDL [18] and SSP-DL [21] algorithms. The last six methods (S2D2, JDL, OSSDL, SSR-D, USSDL, and SSP-DL) are semi-supervised dictionary learning models; the others are supervised dictionary learning methods.…”