Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the validity and reliability of the Korean version of the Maternal Postpartum Attachment Development Scale (MPAS-K) among Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)-experienced mothers. Methods: The MPAS has been widely used to measure maternal emotional bonding or affection toward the child, including NICU-experienced mothers. To investigate the psychometric properties of the instrument, data from 325 mothers having young children (under 0-35 months-of-age) who were placed in the NICUs were collected during November 2017 to January 2018. Results: After exploratory factor analysis the three-subscale model (positive emotions in interactions, perception of less burden of caregiving/parenting, and quality of mother-child interactions) was validated through a confirmatory factor analysis (X 2 /df = 0.97, p = n.s., GFI = 0.98, CFI = 1.00, NFI = .97, TLI = 1.00, RMR = .03, RMSEA = .00). Additionally, the MPAS-K with 14 items demonstrated adequate internal consistency. The concurrent validity was adequate when validated using the Korean language version of the Maternal Attachment Inventory. Conclusion: The MPAS-K has the psychometric properties of validity and reliability to evaluate mother's emotional attachment to her child with experience of being in the NICU in Korea.