Science gateways are user-facing cyberinfrastructure that provide researchers and educators with Web-based access to scientific software, computing, and data resources. Managing user identities, accounts, and permissions are essential tasks for science gateways, and gateways likewise must manage secure connections between their middleware and remote resources. The Custos project is an effort to build open source software that can be operated as a multi-tenanted service that provides reliable implementations of common science gateway cybersecurity needs, including federated authentication, identity management, group and authorization management, and resource credential management. Custos aims further to provide integrated solutions through these capabilities, delivering end-toend support for several science gateway usage scenarios. This paper examines four deployment scenarios using Custos and associated extensions beyond previously described work. The first capability illustrated by these scenarios is the need for Custos to provide hierarchical tenant management that allows multiple gateway deployments to be federated together and also to support consolidated, hosted science gateway platform services. The second capability illustrated by these scenarios is the need to support service accounts that can support non-browser applications and agent applications that can act on behalf of users on edge resources. We illustrate how the latter can be built using Web security standards combined with Custos permission management mechanisms.