One of the key challenges in spectroscopy is the inhomogeneous broadening that masks the homogeneous spectral lineshape and the underlying coherent dynamics. Techniques such as four-wave mixing and spectral hole-burning are used in optical spectroscopy [1][2][3] , and spin-echo 4 in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). However, the high-power pulses used in spin-echo and other sequences [4][5][6][7][8] often create spurious dynamics 7,8 obscuring the subtle spin correlations important for quantum technologies 5,6,9-17 . Here we develop NMR techniques to probe the correlation times of the fluctuations in a nuclear spin bath of individual quantum dots, using frequency-comb excitation, allowing for the homogeneous NMR lineshapes to be measured without high-power pulses. We find nuclear spin correlation times exceeding one second in self-assembled InGaAs quantum dots-four orders of magnitude longer than in strain-free III-V semiconductors. This observed freezing of the nuclear spin fluctuations suggests ways of designing quantum dot spin qubits with a well-understood, highly stable nuclear spin bath.Pulsed magnetic resonance is a diverse toolkit with applications in chemistry, biology and physics. In quantum information applications, solid state spin qubits are of great interest and are often described by the so-called central spin model, where the qubit (central spin) is coupled to a fluctuating spin bath (typically interacting nuclear spins). Here microwave and radiofrequency (rf) magnetic resonance pulses are used for the initialization and readout of a qubit 18 , dynamical decoupling 5 and dynamic control 6 of the spin bath.However, the most important parameter controlling the central spin coherence 9,11,19 -the correlation time τ c of the spin bath fluctuations-is very difficult to measure directly. The value of τ c is determined by the spin exchange (flip-flops) of the interacting nuclear bath spins. By contrast, pulsed NMR reveals the spin bath coherence time T 2 , which characterizes the dynamics of the transverse nuclear magnetization 7,8,20 and is much shorter than τ c . The problem is further exacerbated in self-assembled quantum dots, where quadrupolar effects lead to inhomogeneous NMR broadening exceeding 10 MHz (refs 21,22), so that pulsed NMR requires practically unattainable rf field amplitudes exceeding 1 T.Here we develop an alternative approach to NMR spectroscopy: we measure non-coherent depolarization of nuclear spins under weak noise-like rf fields. Contrary to intuitive expectation, we show that such measurement can reveal the full homogeneous NMR lineshape describing the coherent spin dynamics. This is achieved by employing rf excitation with a frequency-comb profile (widely used in precision optical metrology 23 ). We then exploit non-resonant nuclear-nuclear interactions: the homogeneous NMR lineshape of one isotope measured with frequency-comb NMR is used as a sensitive non-invasive probe of the correlation times τ c of the nuclear flip-flops of the other isotope. Although initial studies 9,1...