In this study we developed a method,
using a simple two-layer nanocavity
structure, to significantly enhance light outcoupling from two-dimensional
(2D) materials. Because the surface electric fields (E-fields) of
the nanocavities were enhanced greatly over ultrabroadband regimes,
the excitation of various 2D materials with laser light and their
Raman and photoluminescence (PL) light emissions were all enhanced
dramatically while maintaining band-to-band ratios and peak positions
precisely. At the same time, the optical visibility of the 2D materials
was also enhanced significantly over a broad spectral regime. Using
a single type of Ag/SiO2 nanocavity structure, we obtained
a 475-fold, equal enhancement in the intensities of the main Raman
peaks of single-layer graphene (SLG) and more than a 350-fold increase
in the intensities of both the Raman and PL signals of single-layer
tungsten disulfide (WS2). Notably, the light outcouplings
of these 2D materials were enhanced dramatically without any spectral
distortion generated by the nanocavity. Moreover, a nanocavity structure
prepared from a nonplasmonic metal reflector also enhanced the light
outcoupling from 2D materials by over 200-fold. Combined with Raman
and PL spectroscopy, such simple nanocavity structures appear to have
great applicability for precise and reliable investigations, providing
abundant structural information, of a variety of 2D materials.