Preparation of the target-protein, particularly the protein protonation method can affect considerably the spatial arrangement of the attached hydrogen atoms and the charge state of individual molecular groups in amino acid residues. This means that the calculated protein-ligand binding energies can vary signicantly depending on the method of the protein preparation, and it also can lead to the dierent docked positions of the ligand in the case of docking (positioning of the ligand in the protein active site). This work investigates the eect of the hydrogen atoms arrangement method in the targetprotein on the protein-ligand binding energy. All hydrogen atoms of target-protein are xed or movable. The comparison of the protein-ligand binding energies obtained for the test set of target-proteins prepared using six dierent programs is performed and it is shown that the protein-ligand binding energy depends signicantly on the method of hydrogen atoms incorporation, and dierences can reach 100 kcal/mol. It is also shown that taking into account solvent in the frame of one of the two continuum implicit models smooths out these dierences, but they are still about 10 − 20 kcal/mol. Moreover, we carried out the docking of the crystallized (native) ligands from the protein-ligand complexes using the SOL program and showed that the dierent methods of the hydrogen atoms addition to the protein can give signicantly dierent results both for the positioning of the native ligand and for its protein-ligand binding energy.