Optical polymers are attractive for lightweight and cost-effective
refractive optical components, yet they reflect part of the incident
light. Traditional vacuum-deposited antireflective films purely adhere
to polymers and suffer from mechanical stresses due to the difference
in the thermal expansion coefficients. Alternatively, reflection can
be reduced by moth-eye structures; yet, their efficiency strongly
depends on their index-matching with the optical substrate, which
has not been demonstrated so far. Here, we introduce a new approach
to engineering highly effective antireflective structures on the surface
of the optical polymer, with an unprecedented ability to reduce the
surface reflection from 5 to 0.1%. The structures were produced by
high-throughput nanoimprint lithography, and their superior optical
performance was achieved due to the precise matching of their index
to that of the underlying substrate. We further applied these structures
on different polymers and showed that their antireflective effect
correlates with index-matching. We demonstrated that these structures
could be applied on flat surfaces and curved lenses and produce high
surface hydrophobicity. Overall, our work paves the way to an efficient
and scalable antireflective solution for polymer optics.