We investigated the biochemical and immunological characteristics of teichoic acid preparations (TAP) obtained from four unencapsulated strains ofStaphylococcus aureus which nonetheless, according to the serum-soft agar technique, produced capsular type antigen and were representative of the four types A, B, C, and D. In the agar diffusion test, TAP of each strain produced a single precipitin line only against rabbit antisera corresponding to the homologous capsular type; no lines were observed against antisera to the heterologous capsular type. All TAP were ribitol type except one, glycerol, prepared from a capsular type D strain. Major acetylglucosaminyl residues of TAP from strains having capsular type A and C antigens were attached to the polyribitol phosphate by 8-linkage, whereas TAP from a type B antigen strain had an alinkage; type D antigen was attached to the polyglycerol phosphate by the /8linkage. Chemical analyses and infrared spectrograms of these TAP further confirmed their heterogeneous nature. Yoshida (26,27) reported four serologically different capsular type strains of Staphylococcus aureus by the serum-soft agar technique and designated them as capsular types A, B, C, and D. By modifying the pH of the serum-soft agar from 7.2 to 6.0, Yoshida et al. (29) detected capsular type antigen in unencapsulated strains of S. aureus. Because biochemical and immunological heterogeneity of teichoic acid preparations (TAP) among strains of S. aureus pose certain problems, attempts were therefore made to investigate the relationship of the biological and immunological properties of TAP to the capsular antigen of unencapsulated strains ofS. aureus. In this paper we report the results of this investigation.
MATERIALS AND METHODSStrains. Strains A-28, B-62, C-25, and D-68 of S. aureus were used. These were positive for coagulase, deoxyribonuclease, mannitol fermentation, acid phosphatase, and clumping-factor reaction (30). They were compact in the serum-soft agar of Finkelstein and Sulkin (10), and their capsular type (29) corresponds to the capital letter in the strain designation.Medium. Strains were cultured at 370C for 20 h in 'Journal article no. 7807 from the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station.