Three techniques have been used to study dislocations in ice: etch pitting-replication, transmission
electron microscopy, and X-ray topography (XT). Each is considered, and it is shown that the most useful is XT.
This is because ice has low absorption of X-rays and can be produced with a low dislocation density, thus, allowing
relatively thick specimens to be studied. The many useful observations that have been made with conventional XT
are presented. However, the introduction of high-intensity synchrotron radiation showed that conventional XT
observations are of dislocations that have undergone recovery. Thus, the important dynamic observations and
measurements that have been made using synchrotron XT are also outlined. In single crystals, it has been shown
that slip mainly occurs by the movement of screw and 60° a/3〈112̄0〉 dislocations on the basal plane. In addition, the
operation of Frank-Read sources has been clearly demonstrated, and dislocation velocities have been measured. In
contrast, in polycrystals, dislocation generation has been observed to occur at stress concentrations at grain
boundaries, and this completely overwhelms any lattice dislocation generation mechanisms. The nature of faulted
dislocation loops has been determined in both polycrystals and single crystals.