Organic transistors are a key building
block in current organic
and printable electronics. This Perspective overviews the development,
applications, and opportunities of the organic transistor to provide
a quick guide map and insight into the materials chemistry and engineering
of organic transistors. We begin by addressing the basics of organic
semiconductors, followed by the development of materials for organic
transistors. The main topic of interest in materials development is
semiconducting materials for the active channel in transistors. We
also briefly cover electrodes and insulators. We then highlight the
major issues and development noted in organic transistors when increasing
the charge-carrier mobility, introducing additional functionalities,
developing n-type materials, engineering processing methods, applying
ionic systems, and seeking novel opportunities in devices. We also
discuss the recent advances made by materials chemists and engineers
in developing better-performing materials and novel electronic devices.
Organic transistors are of significant interest from scientific and
practical standpoints. Various applications of organic transistors
can be developed on the basis of the combinations of molecular tunability,
low-temperature processability, and mechanical deformability of materials.