Objective: To describe a novel modified preputial urethrostomy with preservation of the local anatomy in 4 dogs.Study design: Short case series. Animals: Four client-owned male dogs. Methods: Dogs presented for dysuria and urethral obstruction and underwent a modified preputial urethrostomy as a salvage procedure after the failure of previous treatments. Urethral stenosis or tear was confirmed by cystourethrography in all dogs. The preputial urethrostomy involved anastomosis of the pelvic urethra with the preputial mucosa after caudal laparotomy, without dissection of the prepuce or amputation of the penis. Owner follow up was obtained by telephone interview.Results: Urinary obstruction was due to urethral stenosis in 3 dogs and severe complications following perineal urethrostomy in 1 dog. The urinary obstruction was resolved in all dogs by the modified preputial urethrostomy. None of the dogs had signs of dysuria, urinary tract infection, or dermatitis immediately postoperatively. Two dogs showed signs of urinary incontinence from 15 days to 1 month postoperatively, which persisted throughout the follow-up period.
Conclusion:A functional urethral stoma was obtained in all dogs. This technique may be an alternative to prepubic urethrostomy in male dogs.