Historical background Although gastric ulcer was known in the United Kingdom in the 19th century, duodenal ulcer did not become a clinical problem until the beginning of this century. It is not surprising therefore that earlier medical records in India do not mention duodenal ulcer and it is difficult to know whether it is truly a disease of this century"2 or that previously cases were missed because of lack of diagnostic awareness. In the famine years 1877-78 in Madras, Porter in a series of 381 necropsies reports only one gastric ulcer in an old woman, but in 1905 Niblock3 was reporting operations for pyloric stenosis and said that cases had been seen since 1890. By 1924 Bradfield4,5 was able to report 226 operations for one year for peptic ulcer in Madras. An apparent increase was occurring in Calcutta, where the prevalence of duodenal ulcer in 1000 necropsies in 19146 was 0 4% and in 1925 had risen to 0 9% in 1600