Pulmonary Hydatid DiseaseThe clinical picture and surgical treatment of 32 children with hydatid cyst of the lung is shown. A total of 36 surgical interventions were perfomed. Their mean age at admission was 7,4 years (range: 2-12 years). Males had a slight predominance (62,5%) over females. The diagnosis was suspected on clinical grounds in 81,2%of the cases; in the other patients it resulted from an unexpected radiological finding. The commonest symptoms were cough (59.3%), haemoptysis (31.2%), fever (21.8%) and anorexia (21.85It). Physical examination showed pulmonary dullness in 34.2%, bronchial signs in 12.5%and pleural manifestations 12.5%, but it was negative in 40.6%of the cases. In most cases the cyst was solitary (71.99$, uncomplicated (58.5 %) and located mainly in the right lung and the lower right lobe (32.1%). Twenty five percent of the patients had also cysfs in other organs in addition to pulmonary locations, specially in the liver (9.4%). The most currently used surgical procedures were cyst resections (44.5%) and pulmonary lobe resections (33.3*^. Morbidity rates were 8.3%and the over all mortality rate was 2.7%