Operations management systems manage flows of work, resources, and information through production and logistics systems, ensuring the correct and efficient execution of requested work. They can leverage recent advances in data availability, analytical capabilities, and industrial automation to substantially improve overall system performance. They can streamline flows of work, resources, and information across functionally heterogeneous components of production and logistics systems, which often have their own planning, execution, and data management systems. These smart manufacturing capabilities can improve system performance, but add complexity its design and operation.This paper proposes a model of operational control enabling an integrated approach to design, analysis, and operation across heterogeneous systems, classified as discrete event logistics systems. The model identifies and formalizes operational control decision-making and actuation functions required by smart systems. The model is applied to define logical components that can be reused, specialized, and assembled into operational control system models. These components can be linked and integrated with other views of the system as part of an overall model-based engineering effort.