The era of disruptive innovation and knowledge based economy has indirectly affected various sectors of human life. In addition, the new era requires every person to be able to adapt to various changes, so they can survive. Therefore, in order for Indonesia to have a superior workforce in the era of disruptive innovation and knowledge based economy, an education model is needed that can prepare a superior workforce. An educational model that can help students to deepen their abilities, basic skills, and cross functional skills. An educational model that is able to prepare students to face challenges in the future. An educational model that is able to build competitive advantage. In addition to the education model, the important thing in preparing a superior workforce is the role of educators. The role of educators is irreplaceable in the world of education. In the new era, educators are required to have irreplaceable roles related to educational competence, Competence for technological commercialization, Competence in globalization, Competence in future strategies, and Competence counselors. AbstrakEra disruptive innovation dan knowledge based economy secara tidak langsung telah mempengaruhi berbagai sektor kehidupan manusia. Selain itu, era baru tersebut menuntut setiap pribadi untuk dapat beradaptasi dengan berbagai perubahan, agar tetap dapat bertahan. Oleh karena itu, agar Indonesia tetap memiliki angkatan kerja yang unggul di era disruptive innovation dan knowledge based economy, diperlukan model pendidikan yang dapat mempersiapkan tenaga kerja yang unggul. Model pendidikan yang dapat membantu para peserta didik untuk semakin mendalami ability, basic skill, dan cross functional skill. Model pendidikan yang mampu mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk menghadapi tantangan di masa depan. Model pendidikan yang mampu membangun competitive advantage. Selain model pendidikan, hal yang penting dalam mempersiapkan tenaga kerja yang unggul adalah peran para tenaga pendidik. Peran tenaga pendidik tidak tergantikan dalam dunia pendidikan. Di era baru, tenaga pendidik dituntut untuk memiliki Peran yang tidak dapat tergantikan terkait educational competence, Competence for technological commercialization, Competence in globalization, Competence in future strategies, dan Conselor competence.