review the current standing of astrobiology research in the UK, and look to future success. 1: Traditional subject view of astrobiology starting with small scale (top) and progressing to larger scales to the bottom. In such a view each subject area is a distinct activity, with some overlap possible only at the boundaries. (CDC/ James Gathany, NASA, ESA, NASA/Hubble Heritage Team and Univ. of Kent, S Beckwith [STScI] and the HUDF Team) 4.28 A&G • August 2009 • Vol. 50 Further reading Astrobiology Network (EANA) Astrobiology Society of Britain Astrobiology summer school (September, University of Kent) astrobiologysummerschool2009 EANA conference (October, Brussels) ESA's ExoMars lander mission http://www.esa. int/SPECIALS/Aurora/SEM1NVZKQAD_0.html National Astrobiology Institute"People like to hear about astrobiology, from pre-school children who paint little green men, to adults -if you advertise a talk you will get an audience."