The fundamental roles that the stomach plays in ingestion and digestion notwithstanding, little morphological information is available on vagal intramuscular arrays (IMAs), the afferents that innervate gastric smooth muscle. To characterize IMAs better, rats were given injections of dextran biotin in the nodose ganglia, and, after tracer transport, stomach whole mounts were collected. Specimens were processed for avidin-biotin permanent labeling, and subsets of the whole mounts were immunohistochemically processed for c-Kit or stained with cuprolinic blue. IMAs (n = 184) were digitized for morphometry and mapping. Throughout the gastric muscle wall, IMAs possessed common phenotypic features. Each IMA was generated by a parent neurite arborizing extensively, forming an array of multiple (mean = 212) branches averaging 193 μm in length. These branches paralleled, and coursed in apposition with, bundles of muscle fibers and interstitial cells of Cajal. Individual arrays averaged 4.3 mm in length and innervated volumes of muscle sheet, presumptive receptive fields, averaging 0.1 mm 3 . Evaluated by region and by muscle sheet, IMAs displayed architectural adaptations to the different loci. A subset (32%) of circular muscle IMAs issued specialized polymorphic collaterals to myenteric ganglia, and a subset (41%) of antral longitudinal muscle IMAs formed specialized net endings associated with the serosal boundary. IMAs were concentrated in regional patterns that correlated with the unique biomechanical adaptations of the stomach, specifically proximal stomach reservoir functions and antral emptying operations. Overall, the structural adaptations and distributions of the IMAs were consonant with the hypothesized stretch receptor roles of the afferents.
INDEXING TERMSantrum; corpus; forestomach; nodose; vagus; visceral afferent; RRID:AB_354750; RRID:nif-0000-10294
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Author ManuscriptThe extrinsic innervation of the stomach has not been fully characterized. In spite of the critical roles that the stomach plays in controlling both ingestion and digestion, the vagal sensory projections to the gastric wall are among the elements that have been less thoroughly described. The lack of such basic information is paradoxical in view of the fact that major gastrointestinal (GI) disorders such as gastroparesis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and obesity are currently treated with gastric interventions predicated only on incomplete descriptions of stomach innervation. To address, in part, the relative lack of information available for the extrinsic sensory projections to the stomach, specifically the dearth of details on the recently discovered vagal afferent endings called intramuscular arrays (IMAs), the present experiment inventories and characterizes more fully these afferents that innervate smooth muscle fibers in the gastric wall.Traditionally, the vagus, the nerve supplying the bulk of the nonnociceptive extrinsic innervation of the stomach (Iggo,...