IntroductionFreeze-drying and L-drying are popular methods of preserving microorganisms, because long-term viability is excellent in most cases and the storage and distribution requirements are simple. By plotting the survival curves of freeze-dried species sealed under high vacuum ( 1 Pa) and stored at 5 C in the dark, we previously found that the survival rates of Gram-positive bacteria immediately after freeze-drying and during storage were higher than those of Gram-negative bacteria (Miyamoto-Shinohara et al., 2008). In addition, the survival rate of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae immediately after freeze-drying was lower than those of bacterial species, although S. cerevisiae survival rates were stable during storage (Miyamoto-Shinohara et al., 2000.To increase the survival rates of S. cerevisiae strains, we tested the applicability of L-drying, in which cells are desiccated by vacuum evaporation at room temperature. In contrast, during freeze-drying, cells are desiccated by sublimation. L-drying is effective for the long-term preservation of cultures sensitive to freezedrying (Malik, 1990(Malik, , 1999. In this research, yeast strains were L-dried according to the method of the Institute for Fermentation, Osaka (Banno et al., 1979), in which the cell suspension was dispensed into a glass ampoule (in the same way as for freeze-drying) and a cotton wool plug was inserted to prevent the temperature in the ampoule from falling to the freezing point (Iijima and Sakane, 1973).To clarify the mechanisms underlying tolerance to L-drying and freeze-drying, we investigated the survival of type strains of various yeast species. The survival J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol., 56, 107 119 (2010) We investigated