The presence of random fields is well known to destroy ferromagnetic order in Ising systems in two dimensions. When the system is placed in a sufficiently strong external field, however, the size of clusters of like spins diverges. There is evidence that this percolation transition is in the universality class of standard site percolation. It has been claimed that, for small disorder, a similar percolation phenomenon also occurs in zero external field. Using exact algorithms, we study ground states of large samples and find little evidence for a transition at zero external field. Nevertheless, for sufficiently small random-field strengths, there is an extended region of the phase diagram, where finite samples are indistinguishable from a critical percolating system. In this regime we examine ground-state domain walls, finding strong evidence that they are conformally invariant and satisfy Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE κ ) with parameter κ = 6. These results add support to the hope that at least some aspects of systems with quenched disorder might be ultimately studied with the techniques of SLE and conformal field theory.The random-field Ising model (RFIM) is one of the earliest studied and simplest disordered systems showing non-trivial and glassy behavior [1,2]. It has a number of important realizations in nature, including diluted antiferromagnets in a field and binary liquids in porous media [2]. Through its long history, researchers have managed to gain a reasonable understanding of the critical behavior, although this progress has been neither straight nor smooth, and many questions remain unanswered [2]. It is known, for example, that the RFIM in two dimensions (2D) lacks ferromagnetic order [3,4]. Even at zero temperature it remains in the paramagnetic state for non-zero disorder. Numerical ground-state calculations have shown, however, that even in the absence of a thermodynamic transition there exists a geometric transition at which the size of the spin clusters diverges in a manner bearing many similarities to classical site percolation [5,6]. While this transition is rather clearly established in the presence of an external field, it has been argued that a similar percolation phenomenon can also be observed in the absence of an external field for sufficiently small disorder [6,7]. Here, we re-investigate the zero-field behavior with large scale ground-state calculations, focusing on the possible percolation phenomenon.The observed relations to classical site percolation at this (nonzero or zero field) geometrical transition motivate further questions of how far the similarities go. Interfaces in two-dimensional percolation satisfy Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE) [8,9], but