Fashionable hijab is a trend in Muslim societies worldwide. In Indonesia, hijab commercialization has been especially prominent. This study used consumer socialization theory to examine the relationship between hijab influencers (HIs), religious factors, attitudes toward fashionable hijab, and commodified hijab-style choices. In particular, we examined involvement with HIs, HIs' influence on hijab consumption, religiosity, and religious community involvement to investigate the mechanisms of consumer socialization. Structural equation modeling revealed that hijab influencers, as consumer socialization agents, reinforced positive attitudes toward fashionable hijab, whereas religious community involvement, as a social structural variable, had a negative effect. Finally, positive attitudes toward fashionable hijab positively influenced the pursuit of commodified hijab-style choices. These findings have practical implications for vendors targeting the Indonesian market by distinguishing commodified hijab styles from conservative hijab styles and identifying the factors influencing consumers.